seperti mana sume org tau,,toner ni agak penting la dlm penjagaan wajah.bagi sy la,,ia sgt lah penting,,same penting nyer dgn pencuci muka,,lebih penting dr moisturizer.pas kita cuci muka,,pori2 kulit ni akan terbuka dgn lebarnye sebab foam yg kita guna tu nak kutip minyak2 debu2 kat dlm pori tu..jadi,,nak tutup balik pori2 tu kena la guna toner ni,,dan secara teorinya air sejuk bleh membantu menutup pori2 dgn cepat.slame ni sy tercari2 toner yg leh kecilkan sy nye pori2 ni,,sbb ianya terlalu significant.kalu amek gambar pakai camera 2mp pon leh nampak lagi.dah dekat sama besar ngan lubang idung pncarian tu cm x berpenghujung je.hampir giv up pakai toner.tapi semalam sy round satu jusco yg besar lebar dan panjang itu,,cr toner last masuk
ETUDE HOUSE.anneyong seyo!sy pon pick this up:

i always expect if i keep on looking i'll find something super like this!
it's super icy sensation chills me out,,,i really like this,,huhuh,,,the first time i put it on my face i feel like feels so good that i can't wait to wash my face again.
and the price is rm46 but last night etude house got 50% discount for this so i pay only
rm22.90!and it's really worth it.try!
mlm2 kunci pintu bile tido taw..
ReplyDeleteklu x, pagi2 ko bgn, toner ni da ilang..haha..
carik dlm bilik aku taw! XD
pintu xleh kunci,,,kalo ko nak pakai ko amek je la,,,tapi rase dia same cam letak ais kat pipi,,ape kate ko amek je ais lam icebox,,lagi dekat kan dr bilik aku,,