Saturday, February 19, 2011

::this is my blog::

yes,,this is my blog.
and this is the only place i can be myself.
so please do not ask me 2 change anything.
i've been what people want me to be in almost everything.
so in here please give me some space to be myself.
i've look into the tiniest place so less people is going to hurt each time i wanna be myself.
so please respect this tiny space i've prepared 4 myself.
all these days,,many things happen that drives me mad.
but thank the end of everything,,I see who had i been.
i took everything as a punishment for who i am.
for what i've done.
for those i've hurt.
so i wanna get better.
i want to be like these::

by Faiz Abd Rahman:
biarlah org mengata,,jgn kita mengata
biarlah org memfitnah,,jgn kita melakukannya
biarlah org menzalimi kita,,kita maafkan saje
biarlah org mencaci,,doakan petunjuk buat mereka
bercakap yg mmberi faedah,,atau diam lebih baik
kenangkan budi org,,lupakan jasa kita
balaslah jasa org,,lupakan jasa kita
igtlah kebaikan org,,lupakan kejahatannya
dan balaslah kejahatan org,,dengan kebaikan

etika pergaulan dlm Islam.

br sy sedar,,kenapa sy disakiti.
satu pon nilai ini,,tiada pada sy.
please support me,,to be always better.
i really want to hang on to these.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

how am i doing?

i'm doin great!
bila ade kat kampung jer,,everything would be just fine.
tyme ade kat kampus jer,,otak serabut,,masalah menimpa2 cam jatuh ditimpa tangga.
kenapa yer.duit? lah.fyp?definitely yes.friends?i'm alive.
so what is it?
yg sebetul benarnyer mungkin sy dah boring study kot.lame kan study.(23-6=17years),,ermmm.
dulu,,rase sgt best study,,kalau boleh nak smpai PhD baru rasa kenapa skang dah xde mentaliti cam dulu?lama sgt i guess once i finish my first degree it would be done.nak kerja,,gain experiences which is more more books which speak only the surface.
engineering perlu dipraktik.xboleh belajar atas kertas and you'll be expert.itu literature.bukan engineering.
so sy nak abiskan study secepat mungkin.xsabar utk ilmu yg lebih realistik kat luar sana..
dan xsabar jugak utk parking volkswagen golf depan umah.hopefully sy senang dapat keje,,doakan yer.